Daqian fought for 50 days and double -half
Release time: 2024-05-29 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Shanhai Dan Pharmaceutical

Editor's note:

To fully implementThe province's high -quality project construction promotion meeting meetingSpirit,Stable development trend,firm development confidence,Strengthening the determination,stake betting appRequirements for Shaanxi Pharmaceutical GroupAll ownership enterprisesPersevere problem -oriented,Focus on key projects、Key tasks continue to force,Fully strive for economy, implement, promote development, and achieve practical performanceMake sureIn the first half ofTarget taskImplementation。The system of the system is multiplied by the company,Tighten the strings of tightening efficiency to tighten the time,Strive sprint"Double Half Half", which has set off a large boom.

Shanhai Dan Pharmaceutical

Since the second quarter, Shanhai Dan Pharmaceutical has been realizing"Open Door",FocusJuguki marketing expansion and breakthroughRisk -proof risk to promote stability and improve quality"" work policyContinue the continuous development trend, strive to sprint"Double Half Half".stake sports betting appPioneering InnovationHigh -quality supply、Growing team、Pioneering Innovation、Service Customer、Optimized resources"Five firstEffectiveParisonFish GoldOne -time qualification rate of fist products such as injections,Win the reputation with quality、Grab the market。Inheritance DingxinPromoting salesPlokine hydrochloride, etc.New ProductCreate a new growth pole. GiveThe layout of the blank market and the potential of sales. Strengthen academic leadershipProvideMore accurate, safe and effectivediagnosis and treatment services to increase product influence and share.The second isContinuous practice of pre -tasks、front row time、Getting progress in front、Former target"Four Past Business Concepts".ThroughGanghuaQuantitative production and sales index execution、Coordinated production and sales accurate connection and other measures to achieve"Back in advance, rush to high" effect.ContinuousCalibration performance assessment indicators,Carry out the sprint of the entire labor competition"Double Half Half",Through"Positive motivation, reverse force" guaranteeSteady growth, promotionSalesCost reduction and security, risk preventionand other key pointsWork to achieve an effective closed loop.Three isContinuousPromote the promotion of development, accelerate the cultivation of new productive forcesFollowing the company's high -quality, leapfrog, and leading development"1 target",Give full play to the party committee、Party branch、"3 role" of party members ",Strongly carry out the "overall development of development、Brand Construction、Innovation and efficiency、Create a blessing for the people。ForceConstruction"One Master Diverse" cultural system to brighten the mountain Hai Dan brand,continuous promotion process improvement、Reasonable suggestions and other innovative and creative activities,Promote high -quality development of enterprises.

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