Shaanxi Pharmaceutical stake sports betting appHolding Group's proposed employment personnel announced
Release time: 2024-04-18 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Anonymous

According to "Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group2024 Recruitment Announcement ",Some positions will be registered for public recruitment in Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group,Qualification review、Interview、Qualification review、Background Survey and other procedures,The situation of the personnel to be hired is publicized。

Wu Linnan is the deputy general manager of Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group Medical Technology Co., Ltd.

Wang Peng is the deputy general manager of the Chinese Medicine Industry Investment Co., Ltd. of Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group

Tian Qiangxin is the chief accountant of Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group Biotechnology Co., Ltd.。

Liu Chenrui isShaanxi MedicineVice Minister of Finance Management Department of the Group Headquarters.

Qu HaoweiShaanxi MedicineDeputy Minister of Comprehensive Office of the Group Headquarters Strategic Planning Department.

White 旸旸Shaanxi MedicineDeputy Minister of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Group Headquarters.

The majority of cadres and the masses have opinions on the object of publicity,You can use a letter、Call、Visit and other forms,XiangShaanxi Medical Holding Group Co., Ltd.Reflect.

Publicity Time:April 18th to April 22nd, 2024.

Correspondence Address: Xi'an High -tech Zone Science and Technology Second RoadNo. 69 Shaanxi Pharmaceutical GroupOrganization Department of the Party Committee (Human Resources Department

Post    Editor:710075

Acceptance phone:029-88312251



The Communist Party of China Shaanxi Medical Holding Group Co., Ltd.
