Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Holding Group Co., Ltd. 2023 Recruitment Announcement
Release time: 2023-10-17 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Party Committee Organization Department (Human Resources Department)

1993 Shaanxi Provincial Medical Administration was restructured into Shaanxi Medical Corporation,2006,Through market -oriented reorganization reorganization is Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Holding Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Holding Group")。Since its establishment,Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Holding Group and the United States Johnson、Thailand Zhengda、China Pharmaceutical Group and other world -renowned enterprises and central enterprises cooperation,Building Xi'an Yangsen、Xi'an Zhengda、National Control Shaanxi and other batch of backbone enterprises,Cultivated Global Xi'an、Pai Ang Pharmaceutical and other leading industries leading enterprises,Industry covering the pharmaceutical industry、Medicine circulation、Medicine Packaging、Medical R & D and Health Service Industry。17 existing ownership companies (including 1 listed company),The total number of employees 8012 people。8 households with high -tech enterprises,Specialized Special Special Special Small and Medium Enterprises 3 Households,Pharmaceutical approval number 551,Patent 177 item,260 trademarks。At the end of 2022,Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Holding Group's total assets reached 23.181 billion yuan,Realizing operating income of 26.912 billion yuan,Realizing total profit of 803 million yuan。

To vigorously implement Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Holding Group"156" development strategy,Promote the rapid development of various business segments,Now openly recruiting rights to the society belongs to enterprise managers,A total of 28 management positions involved in 6 households,The relevant matters are announced as follows:

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persistence"Public Recruitment、Selecting Employment "principle,Take the preliminary selection、Interview、Background survey method is combined。

2. Recruitment plan

(1) Shaanxi Medical Holding Medical Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Dean                  1

Deputy Dean                1

(2) Shaanxi Sun Siyi High -tech Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

General Manager                1

Deputy General Manager              2

(3) Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Holding Group Tianning Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Sales Deputy President              1

(4) Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

Deputy General Manager              2

(5) Shaanxi Medical Industry Investment Management Co., Ltd.

Deputy General Manager              1

Investment Manager              2

Financial Accounting              1

(6) Shaanxi Power Generation Group Dongfang Smart Energy Co., Ltd.

Director of Production Center          1

Director of the Department              2

Department Manager              13

3. Recruitment conditions

Recruitment targets should have the national recognition of academic qualifications and job conditions (see attachment for details: Shaanxi Medicine Holding Group Job Recruitment Rules),and must meet the following conditions,Special excellent or special need for work,You can relax the conditions appropriately:

(1) The nationality of the People's Republic of China;

(2) Comply with the Constitution and Law;

(3) Have good political quality and team spirit,Film is right;

(4) The physical condition for the requirements of the post;

(5) Other conditions required for posts.

Persons with one of the following circumstances shall not register:

(1) Persons who do not meet the job recruitment conditions;

(2) If you have been punished by criminal punishment;

(3) If there are suspicion of criminal suspicion, it has not yet been found;

(4) I have received the above punishment,or severely warned that the following sanctions have not been lifted;

(5) It has been fired or expelled from public office;

(6) Other situations that are not suitable for registration.

4. Recruitment procedures

Published an announcement、Registration、Resume screening、Qualification review、Interview、Qualification review、Background Survey、Physical Examination、Public announcement、hire and other steps to perform the steps。

(1) Release announcement

The announcement of this public recruitment work passed through the official website of the State Council of the State Council、Shaanxi Provincial SASAC Recruitment Platform (Qin Yun Employment)、Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Holding Group official website、Zhilian Recruitment Network and Hunting Recruitment Network。

(2) Registration process

1. Registration deadline: November 17, 2023 17:00。

2. Application to adopt an online registration method,Enter Zhilian Recruitment/Hunting Official Website to submit resumes,Or submit your resume via the mailbox (shanyaohr@126.com),Submitting success is successful,Each job seeker can only sign up for one position。

3. The registration resume stake online sports bettingmust include the following basic information: name、One inch of recent Crown Paradox Positive Certificate Photo、Education、Age、Contact information、Complete educational experience、Work resume and work content。(Note: If the candidate provides incomplete content,As a result, it is impossible to determine whether it is qualified,is deemed to be unqualified)。

4. Resume screening period,Group staff will use telephone、SMS forms information to verify the candidate and ask for relevant evidence materials,Candidates need to submit relevant materials at the specified time,Overdue deemed to be abandoned。Specific as follows:

1) A copy of my valid education (degree) certificate.

2) Work experience qualification、Proof of performance capacity (labor contract、Social Insurance Insurance Certificate、Qualification Certificate, etc.)。

(3) Qualification review

According to the candidate's education、experience、Qualification、Qualification Certificate、Comprehensive judgment of performance ability and other aspects,Determine the candidates for the interview。

(4) Interview

Interviews take a semi -structured interview method,Professional abilities that are compatible with the position of candidates are mainly examined、Occupational literacy and competent ability, etc.。

1. The interview score is 100 points,Set the interview score of 70 points,Can't reach the qualified score line,Cancel it to enter the next link for qualification。

2. According to the number of recruitment plans and the interview results of the candidate,From high scores to low points,Use 1: 1 ratio to determine the physical examination、Background investigation object (if the final score of the interview is the same,Execute it with an additional test)。

3. For the posts of unsecured persons,Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Holding Group has the right to continue to release recruitment information,Organize an interview with options。

4. The interview time and place will be notified separately.

(5) Qualification review

Qualification review is based on the registration qualification conditions stipulated in the recruitment announcement and the photos and information provided by the applicants online,Candidates need to truthfully provide the original application materials,All requirements for the requirements of the registration qualifications or cannot provide document materials、Not accepting qualification review within the specified time,Exam results deemed to be invalid。From the absence of the candidate,According to the test score from high to low,Equal supplement within the specified time。

(6) Background Survey

Before joining the job,A survey by the group company to conduct resumes and personal information backgrounds,If you find that you do not meet the requirements of the hire or fake it,Not hired。

Background Investigation work shall be based on the requirements of the position to be hired,Take multiple forms,Fully understand the subject of the inspection object in political thought、Moral Quality、Ability Quality、Compliance with the law、Integrity and self -discipline、Job matching and other conditions, as well as performance during the study and work,At the same time, to verify whether the candidate meets the requirements of the registration qualification condition,Is the registration information provided and related materials true、Accurate,Whether there is a situation in the case of registration avoidance。If the relevant information and information provided by the applicants are found to be unreal or inspecting the inspection,then cancel its employment qualification。

(7) Physical examination

The company uniformly notified the applicants to conduct physical examination at a comprehensive hospital in the secondary and above.,System of physical examination costs。The medical examination standard refers to the implementation of the "General Standards for the Medical Examination of Civil Servants"。

issued by the medical examination hospital"Qualification" or "Unqualified" conclusion Opinions,and stamped with the special official seal of the unit's medical examination。

Due to physical examination、The background survey is unqualified and caused the deficiency of the candidate,In principle, according to the prescribed procedures and time limit,Among the applicants in the same post,Follow the final score from high to low score (must reach the qualified score line)。

(8) Public announcement

For those who are planning to be hired, the publicity period is5 days。Questions reflected during the publicity period,verified that it is true,Cancellation Qualification。

5. The employment method and salary treatment

1. How to hire: The hired person signed a labor contract with the employer,Members of the ownership enterprise team implemented a term of contract contracting,Sign the annual target responsibility letter,Renewal after passing the assessment,Those who fail the assessment to dismiss。Working period,If there is a major mistake in employees、Don’t obey the unified management,The employer has the right to terminate the contract。

2. Salary treatment:

1) The members of the ownership enterprise team implement the annual salary system (basic annual salary+performance annual salary+term incentives+excess stake sports betting appprofit sharing); the deputy president of sales implements basic annual salary+sales commission+over -task award; performance bonus。The annual salary listed in the attachment is the annual salary,Specific salary can be negotiated for each other。

2) Five insurances and one gold

3) Trade Union Welfare

4) Health checkup

5) Dining subsidy

6) Professional training

7) Other job rewards

6. Related matters

1. Application materials will not return。Qualification review runs through the recruitment work,If the applicant is found to be found in a certain link,,Cancel its qualification。Fanfu falsifies,Once verified,Cancellation of qualifications。

2. The applicants must be responsible for the authenticity of the submitted materials,Due to the reasons of the applicants, I cannot participate in the registration as required、Interview、Physical examination and inspection,Responsibility shall be borne by the candidate himself。

3. Candidates for enterprises, institutions and institutions must go through the procedures for employment procedures in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and provide proof of resignation.。

4. During the recruitment period, it will pass SMS、Telephone and other methods to contact the candidate,Please keep the communication unblocked。

5. Candidates did not participate in the relevant link as required within the specified time,It is deemed to be automatically giving up。



Registration consultation phone:029-88312251   Ms. Tian

stake online sports bettingAnnex: Details of Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group recruitment positions.pdf

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