Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group held a symposium on science and technology management in the middle of 2023
Release time: 2023-08-04 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Source: Science and Technology Management Department

August 3,Shaanxi Pharmaceutical Group held a symposium on science and technology management in the middle of 2023。The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented My stake betting appthe 20th spirit of the party and General Secretary Xi Jinping had previously came to Shaanxi to inspect the spirit of important speeches on scientific and technological innovation,Drive the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Group's Reform and Development Work Promotion Conference.,The latest requirements of scientific and technological innovation,Combined with the latest "1+5" "Implementation Opinions" issued by the Group,notified the Group's 2022 annual system enterprise scientific and technological innovation investment special assessment results,Relevant ownership enterprises representatives on the first half of the year of scientific and technological management and task exchanges in the second half of the year。

Conference emphasized,Enterprises must strengthen the status of scientific and technological innovation,Enhance the sense of mission and urgency,Increase investment in scientific and technological My stake betting appinnovation,Establish and improve the scientific and technological innovation institutional mechanism,Establishing cover scientific and technological innovation、Intellectual property、full -time departments of functions of quality management。Revised and improved scientific and technological achievements reward incentive、Related system documents such as talent introduction,CIMC will be commended to advanced individuals of system scientific and technological innovation work annually,Stimulate system innovation vitality。Give full play to collaborative innovation synergy,Further strengthen the integration of system technology management resources,Improve the vitality and core competitiveness of scientific and technological innovation。Improve the innovative talent system,Increase high -level talents and team introduction。Carefully study and implement the group"Six Opinions" technological innovation related content,Pay close stake online sports bettingattention to the target task and time node,Accelerate the transformation of technological innovation advantages into a high -quality development driving force for enterprises,Contribute to the Group's annual target tasks and "156" target。

Leaders in charge of science and technology in charge of all ownership、The person in charge of the department and the group's science and technology management department attended the meeting。